Join the Gospel Choir for Christmas
We rehearse and sing Thursdays in December at 6 pm to sing for 7 pm worship on Christmas Eve. Questions? Ask Music Director Twylla Moore.
If you would like to donate a poinsettia to beautify the altar for Christmas, please bring one to church on Sunday December 22 or drop it off at the office that week. If you would like your poinsettia to honor someone, please fill out a poinsettia form or email Pastor John with the name of the honoree.
Give to Help Families for the Holidays
Want to help a family in need this season? Give a donation to Peace Lutheran Church noted “Holiday Help” or bring a gift card for Fred Meyer or WinCo to the office. Questions? Ask Pastor John.
Peace Cafe
To support our community, we are open on Fridays from 3-7 pm. Community members can grab refreshments and enjoy a movie, games, fellowship, and join us for our community meals from 5:30-6:30 pm. For more information and to volunteer contact Brendan Nelson, or call the office at 253-383-1317.
Special Advent and Christmas Worship and Faith Opportunities
Advent Calendars
“From the Manger” Advent calendar with activity prompts (daily) – see Jayna Detweiler
World Hunger Advent calendar (daily) – printed copies only – see Pastor John
Christmas Caroling
Sunday December 8 at 12:30 pm (after worship) kids and adults visit and sing with residents at eliseo Senior Living, 1301 N. Highlands Pkwy (Carol Plaehn’s residence). Meet in the multipurpose room, eat lunch (provided), van and carpool over. Let Pastor John know if you’ll participate.Christmas starting at 12:30 pm.
Christmas Brunch
Saturday, December 14, 11 am–12:30 pm. Great for families with children! Christmas crafts, food, and the story of Jesus’ birth. Come decorate the sanctuary for Christmas starting at 12:30 pm.
Doughnuts and Dialogue: A Grief Support Gathering
Saturday, December 21, 10-11:30 am (multipurpose room) Are you grieving? Is the holiday season a mixture of joy and sadness for you? On the morning of the longest night of the year, find support. This will be an interactive gathering with opportunity for conversation, silence, creativity, and reflection. All are welcome.! Contact Deacon Charissa for details.
Children’s Christmas Program
Sunday, December 22 during 11 am worship is the Children’s Christmas Program.
Service of Lessons and Carols – Sunday, December 29
10 am only (in person & live stream) – no 8:30 or 11 am worship; 9:30 am Christmas goodies and fellowship time
Peace Lutheran Church Events & Information
New Member Class Rescheduled
Update: The “Foundations of Faith and Peace” new member class has been rescheduled. We plan to offer it in the spring.
Anti-Racism Book Resource Library
The Anti-Racism Work Group has rolled out a book cart with their recommended anti-racism books to borrow for your personal growth and deeper understanding. Check it out on Sundays in the multipurpose room.
Sunday School (Godly Play) and Children’s Worship
We have Sunday School (Godly Play) for children ages 3 through 4th grade in the basement classroom. We are also offering Nursery for younger children at 9:45 a.m. Children’s Worship is offered in person during 11 a.m. worship. Children are invited to the basement classroom (with air purification) after the scripture readings for a special Godly Play Bible story and response time, and then they will return to the sanctuary to join their family for the time of Holy Communion.
Community Bible Study
Pastor John facilitates a Community Bible Study in the church Conference Room and online on Teams (your choice) Thursdays 1-2 pm on the scripture readings for worship the following Sunday. We read scripture, share conversation, and pray as we listen for God to speak to us & through us. Email Pastor John for Teams link.
Christians Concerned with Homelessness
Peace is partnering with Retreat Home and Trinity Presbyterian as Trinity hosts a monthly prayer gathering for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. We gather to pray for big-picture circumstances of homelessness as well as specific needs of families caught in the housing crisis, those from local encampments and all impacted by neighborhood sweeps. First Thursday of the month, 5:30-6:30 pm at Bryant Neighborhood Center, Trinity Church, 1615 6th Ave. This time brings into focus our prayers alongside our congregation’s action and work for housing. Next meeting is December 5.
Interested in Baptism?
Interested in Baptism for yourself or a family member? Please speak with Pastor John.
Peace Community Center Events & Information
Tacoma Housing Authority to Permanently Open Low-Income Housing Waitlists on November 14th
Waitlists will be split by those seeking a Housing Choice Voucher, and those interested in living in one of Tacoma Housing Authority’s subsidized units.
After carefully examining the current processes, response rates, and reviewing over 100 public comments, we are moving forward with these new processes so that families will have the ability to apply to our waitlist the moment they find themselves in need of housing assistance.”
It’s important to note that applying to the waitlist does not guarantee that a household will receive housing assistance. Households must meet all income and eligibility requirements, which will be verified when they are selected from the waitlist.
Though a permanently open waitlist will help to ensure that anyone needing housing assistance can apply at any time, it will also mean significantly more people on the waitlist. THA will conduct random pulls from the waitlist as vouchers and units become available. As a result, it will be impossible to predict how long it will take for households to receive an offer of assistance.
THA encourages anyone in need of affordable housing to continue their housing search and not wait to be selected from the waitlist. For individuals and families currently facing homelessness, please contact Coordinated Entry by dialing 2-1-1. THA has partnered with multiple community organizations to accept direct referrals for families experiencing homelessness in hopes of getting them the housing assistance they need sooner.
Households interested in applying for either the Housing Choice Voucher waitlist, or the THA-subsidized unit waitlist can do so beginning Thursday, November 14th, 2024, at 9 AM. To apply, households must first register as an applicant for the RentCafé online service portal. Detailed instructions on how to register can be found at
For more detailed information on THA’s waitlists, please visit
Graduate Tacoma
…has created a website ( where you can search for different types of resources during COVID 19. It includes everything from where Tacoma Public Schools is passing out free meals to financial assistance information to educational resources, etc. You can search by zip code, types of assistance, etc. and find resources for more than just students.
Anti-Racism Book Resource Library
The Anti-Racism Work Group has rolled out a book cart with their recommended anti-racism books to borrow for your personal growth and deeper understanding. Check it out on Sundays in the multipurpose room.