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Adult Faith & Service Opportunities

Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:20

God’s vision for Peace is to be a community that is healthy. A healthy community has spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, mental and social health grounded in God. This means cultivating healthy relationships among family members, neighborhoods, our faith community and the world.

The following are ministries for adults at Peace Lutheran Church. More information and registration can be found Sunday mornings at the Welcome Table, a table meant to help people participate more fully in the life and ministry of the church. You can also email the Operations Manager at for sign-up or other ways to get involved.

Learning & Fellowship

Adult Education
An adult education offering is made every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. The Faith Education Hour includes Bible studies and topical forums. Come learn and grow in faith!
Community Bible Study
Taking place every Thursday during the school year at 1 p.m., study is held in the Ray Conference room upstairs. Led by Pastor John and others, we use this time to explore the upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings.
Conversations Around Race
An ecumenical group that meets in a space of grace for conversation around race and racism. The purpose of this group is to grow awareness, confront the effects of racism, bridge difference, build relationships and live as a community in Christ.
Men’s Ministry
Ministry with and for men in the congregation and community. Also see: Men’s Fellowship Breakfast.
Women’s Ministry
The women’s ministry of Peace Lutheran Church. The annual Women’s Retreat brings women together for Bible study, fellowship, growth in faith and having fun!
Other Small Group Gatherings
      • Gospel Choir – One Thursday a month, Peace Lutheran Church, 6 p.m. Sing at the 11 a.m. service the Sunday following rehearsal.
      • Men’s Breakfast Fellowship – Second Saturdays, Peace Lutheran Church, 8 a.m. A gathering of men for breakfast, Bible study, conversation, prayer and support.
      • Writing Group – Fourth Tuesdays, 6 p.m. Share ideas and encourage each other. For lists from and by writing group members, or other writings by group members, please see our Publications page.
      • College Care Package Team – Peace Lutheran Church, Seasonal Help put together various goodies for college students.

Service Opportunities

Administrative Assistance

A volunteer ministry that helps prepare letters, mail publications, collate and file documents, and provide other various help in the church office.
The Advocacy team lifts up issues and concerns before the congregation in order to encourage the lifting of our voices on behalf of the marginalized. Through written letters and other communication with local and national leaders, our work follows the acronym LEAP: Learning about issues of justice; Educating others; Advocating leaders; Praying for God’s mercy and justice.
Affordable Housing
Our Affordable Housing team meets regularly to implement the vision of using homes purchased by the church for affordable housing, along with services provided through the church and center. Peace Lutheran Church also has Family Support Teams who journey alongside families living in our houses.
Care Package Team
Care packages for college students are sent in coordination with the church and Hilltop Scholars throughout the school year. Packages include cards, goodies, decorations and supplies. Everyone is welcome to help! If you are unable to attend in person but would like to contribute, postage payments and small donations are always appreciated.
Community Development Team
The Community Development Team meets to consider how God calls on us as a to forward our community. Walking with individuals and families, our congregation is called to give more than just a hand out, but a hand up (with dignity and justice) toward greater wholeness and health.
Finance Team
The Finance Team guides the church in the best use of finances for its mission.
Health Ministry
Our Health Ministry tends to physical needs of the community – lifting up health and fitness information, as well as offering health tips.
Liturgical Arts
The Liturgical Arts ministry group creates banners and art to enhance worship in the sanctuary.
Social Justice Ministry
A ministry of reflection and action, the Social Justice team seeks justice on behalf of the hungry, impoverished and marginalized.
Stewardship Team
Our Stewardship team challenges and encourages the congregation to use their gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure in service to God in the world.
Sunday Breakfast & Refreshments
Various families volunteer to cook Sunday breakfast on a rotational schedule. All are invited and welcome to eat! Individuals and families also sign up to provide fellowship refreshments after the 11 a.m. service.
Van Drivers
Peace Lutheran Church’s van is a ministry of the church that provides rides to Sunday church for those who need or prefer transportation directly from their home. This service is available to families, the elderly, children and others. Drivers rotate weekly. To volunteer as a van driver, please contact the office at


2106 South Cushman Ave.
Tacoma, WA 98405

Phone: (253) 383-131

Fax: (253) 383-0702


